- ce16930d3524bdf874c120c803d87548aced3fc7
Android.Sprovider.12.origin is a program module that contains the main payload of Android.Sprovider.7.
Android.Sprovider.12.origin is encrypted with the DES algorithm and is located in the program resources of Android.Sprovider.7. Once launched, the Trojan checks whether the this component is active. If it is not, the component is retrieved from the Trojan’s body and run.
Once the module Android.Sprovider.12.origin takes over control, it can execute the following functions:
- Download an APK file and try to install it by obtaining user confirmation;
- Run an installed application;
- Open the specified link in a browser;
- Make a phone call on a specific number by using a standard system application;
- Run a standard system phone application in which a specific number is already dialed;
- Show advertisement on top of all applications;
- Display advertisements in the status bar;
- Create a shortcut on the home screen;
- Update itself.